Ulysses Systems at Digital Ship Hamburg 2023

Ulysses Systems at Digital Ship Hamburg, April 2023

We are doubly happy because Ulysses Systems participates at the Digital Ship Conference Hamburg this month as promotional sponsor. Dimitris Lyras, founder of Ulysses Systems is one of the speakers and panelists. And Panteleimon Pantelis, Chief Operation Officer and Dimitris Glossiotis, Product Director are also attending. Digital Ship Conference Hamburg is a prominent annual event bringing together “shipping companies and maritime digitalisation leaders since 2003”

Technology and digitilisation

This year the keynote from Johann Meyer, Managing Director-Hamburg at Columbia Shipmanagement focuses on required technology and digitalisation changes to cope with the industrial and environmental requirements happening within the next 10 years. The ensuing panel discussion will centre around what shipowners want to see from digital technology and asks the question “Can we purchase digital tools which will last us at least 15 years without being replaced?”

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