Nor-Shipping 2023
Our COO and CTO @Nor-Shipping 2023
Our COO and CTO @Nor-Shipping 2023

Nor-shipping 2023

Nor-Shipping 2023 – Ulysses Systems joins the experts from the maritime and ocean industries to listen, share and unlock new business solutions

Our COO and CTO

We are thrilled our COO and CTO are preparing to fly to Oslo for the Nor-Shipping 2023 conference. Their intention is to pursue software integration discussions with ship management companies they are in contact with. Foremost in Pantelis’ and Niko’s attention are the discussions on integration in the forums we attend. Where we notice a meeting of minds between technology and shipping domain experts. The consensus centres around a basic fact. Namely, if the enterprise IT ecosystem is to last, it must integrate ERP with legacy and best of breed solutions. And the best way ahead is spending time and effort to understand the challenges.

"We need problems-solving software solutions.
And I would actually recommend to spend much more time on analysing the problem, instead of just selling and stealing time for sales pitches that no one really needs" says Nils Aden, Managing Director, Harren & Partner.


Pantelis and Nikos will also be joining our excellent partners at VesselMan, passionate advocates of integration, like we are. We realize that integration is the chief “ingredient” in digitisation and in building the ideal marine IT Ecosystem. And we have made this our goal. And we also insist that integration is not just “a series of points” solution for data exchange: It is the fitting together of processes that feed one another.

Processes require integration

It seems, then, that processes require the integration of different process concerns that are to be found in different applications. As we seek to optimise the data exchanges, can our only concern be integration at the data level? Or must there be an understanding of how the processes fit in the bigger picture?

EEA Grants

It is a pleasure to mention EEA Grants and Innovation Norway who have twice supported the partnership between Ulysses Systems and VesselMan.  The partner projects are ‘Connected Maintenance and Drydock’ and ‘Crew Experience Without Relying OnTaxonomies’.

EEA Grants and Innovation Norway

Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants Norway 2014-2021, in the frame of the Business Innovation Greece

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