
Ulysses Hellas and VesselMan @ Nor-Shipping 2022

Ulysses Hellas and VesselMan will present “Crew experience without taxonomies”, our latest project at this year’s Nor-shipping conference.

An opportunity to speak about our integrated solutions with the wide shipping audience at Nor-Shipping 2022! This would not be possible without the generous sponsorship of EEA Grants in the frame of the “Business Innovation Greece“ program. Thank you, EEA and Norway Grants!

Monday 4 April

Lene Normann Olsen (VesselMan) is in Oslo for the conference and Panteleimon Pantelis (Ulysses Hellas) has arrived from Athens.

Tuesday 5 April

Our COO, Pantelis Panteleimon and CTO, Nikos Rassias pose in front of a VesselMan banner with Marie Lothe, Global Operation & Support, Lene Normnn Olsen, CCO, Alexander Wallem Berge, Customer Success Manager, and Aina Huseby, Business Development.

What an opportunity to meet our good friends at VesselMan and make new ones! VesselMan and Ulysses Hellas are business partners who are proud about what they have achieved together. Because, within a short interval, they have produced two software solutions with immediate value for the marine enterprise. “Crew experience, understandable by any system and unimpeded by taxonomies”, is our latest project. It will complement the planned maintenance integrations with technical projects already on offer by Ulysses Hellas and VesselMan.

Meeting old friends

Pantelis with a very good friend of ours and entrepreneur Philip Uhrskov Nielsen.

Themes we care about

The Shipping community cares about technology and so do software vendors. Such as smart shipping, software integration, an integrated IT ecosystem, digital transformation, usability. So, these are the thoughts topmost in our minds and they are also the goals we want to achieve. And a conference like Nor-Shipping is a discussion forum for helping them come true.

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