
The burden of compliance for LNG Shipping

It comes as no surprise that the burden of compliance for LNG Shipping is the highest in marine industry. This ultimately challenges software vendors to feel deeply committed in providing the LNG sector with solutions that work, reducing complexity and supporting decision making. It comes as no surprise that the burden of compliance for LNG Shipping is the highest in marine industry. This ultimately challenges software vendors to feel deeply committed in providing the LNG sector with solutions that work, reducing complexity and supporting decision making

Consequently, Ulysses Systems understands compliance and, from the start, the platform and applications were designed with compliance in mind. Since nothing in the real world is static, the decision support we provide includes continuous improvement. Mainly because decisions regarding process refinement and management of change are the way to approach the sector’s compliance challenges.

Subsequently, important players in LNG Shipping use Ulysses Systems Task Assistant® applications. And they have done so for years. Apart from the applications themselves, we make a point of sustaining very close relationships with our clients. In fact, it is our culture to insist our customers get value out of their investment in our software.

LNG Shipping and Terminals Conference Europe 2022

And now, a few words about the LNG Shipping and Terminals Conference Europe 2022. It takes place every year and it is an important event for the LNG community. And this year’s conference promises to be exceptionally interesting.

“…The programme for the LNG Shipping and Terminals Conference will feature the technical decision making behind the new FSRU and terminal projects, sharing experiences within the LNG community…”

Participation at the conference

Participation at the conference is therefore important for Ulysses Systems. As a result, our COO, Panteleimon Pantelis, is flying to London for this super interesting event. Pantelis’ focus centres around taking away preoccupation from crews and managers by reducing bureaucracy. We are looking forward to his news.

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